Trend Micro Mobile Security for Android is a freemium product with a 7-day trial period. It is also available on iOS with a feature set that is more limited, due to closed nature of Apple’s operating system. In this review, we will give you an insight on Trend Micro Mobile Security for Android and will introduce its comprehensive security features. Thus, we encourage you to install an Antivirus software on your mobile phones.
Having so much data on your mobile phone is already a good reason to think of security and privacy. Nowadays, mobile phones can keep photos, text messages, audio and video files, as well as other important documents for your work and your personal life.
Malicious apps are not the only concern on your mobile phones, it is also capable of storing large amount of data. Among the 150,000 Android apps examined in Google Play store, they found that almost 7% contain a hidden backdoor. Researchers at Check Point proved that there is a substantial increase in the number of malicious applications. These apps are often being distributed on Google Play and third-party app stores. Threat actors keep seeking for new infection vectors and developing malicious mobile applications with improved techniques to avoid detection. Being the popular and dominant operating system on mobile devices with 76% market share, Android is also the most vulnerable to cyberattacks.